Friday, June 01, 2007

Subject: Transfer Of $26,000,000:00 USDollars

This one concerns a man who "made millions of dollars before he died victoriously". Sadly, nowhere in this windy tome does the scammer ever describe just how one goes about "victoriously" dying.

(Re: Transfer of $26,000,000.00)
(Twenty Six Million USD)

Attn: /
Sir / Madam,

I am MR MAX RICHARD, the Senior & Auditor General of {CBAO} Bank of Senegal, during the course of our auditing, I discovered a floating fund in an account opened in the bank in 1990 and since 1993 nobody has operated on this account again. After going through some old files in the records I discovered that the owner of the account died without a [heir] hence the money is floating and if I do not remit this money out urgently it will be forfeited for nothing.

The owner of this account is a foreigner, a miner and an industrialist. He made millions of dollars before he died victoriously .Since 1993 no other person knows about this account or any thing concerning it.

My investigation proved to me that the account has no other beneficiary and that until his death he was the manager director of aluminium & steel industries (PTY). SA. We will start the transfer with the total sum involved {twenty six million dollars [$26,000,000.00 only, into your account, as a safe foreigners bank account abroad, but I don't know any foreigner abroad that's why I have contacted you to bear the legal sole beneficiary of the fund .

I am revealing this to you with believe in God that you will never let me down in this business. Also send your private telephone number and fax number including the full details of the account to be used for the deposit. I need your strong assurance that you will never let me down in this business proposition. With my influence and the position in the bank, as an official whom is working in our favour we can transfer this money to any foreigner's reliable account which you can provide with assurance that this money will be intact pending my physical arrival in your country for sharing.

The bank official will destroy all documents of transaction immediately you receive this fund leaving and they will be no trace to any place and to build confidence you can wrote immediately to discuss with me the modalities, after I will make this remittance in your presented account and fix my resign date, to fly down to your country at least 7 days ahead of the fund transferred and confirm into the account.

At the conclusion of this business, you will be given 45% of the total amount,50% will be for me, while 5% will be for expenses might have incurred during the process of transferring.

Reply to my private mail,

I am waiting for your reply.

Best Regards,


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